
I like the tea party

I’ve always  criticized the stereotype that media makes about Middle Eastern people. One of my common subjects when I discuss with  friends from  different countries, is this phenomen. It happens if I mention that I’m Iranian, the first words that come out are Nuclear program, Ahmadinejad and all the other stereotypes that exist for those from the Middle East. By the way I am not supposed to talk about those ideas. At least I feel that my voice is too weak in comparison to the mass media that pump those ideas nonstop. However, I would like to mention some of my stereotype images about other people all around the world, the majority of which are completely false. I’ve had an emotional friendship with a Swede while I thought that they are coldest people in the world. I found that Germans are open mind people while it was one of my assumption that they’re close and xenophobic. I saw the Frenchs as old-fashioned people with traditional culture while I had thought they had a revolutionary mind and are anti-tradition. I found americans to be the most kind people that I’ve ever met.
Me and my Republican friend Daniel
Among Americans, republicans have an image like in western cowboys films, meaning that hey are too much a uniformly white rich community, thereby racist and anti strangers.  They are those people with an aggressive attitude who want to burn others not like them and bomb all the other countries. At least that was the image which mass media created for me as the representative image of republicans and tea party supporters.
When I was in Boston it was an opportunity to discover a different part of American society. For this purpose, I didn’t miss any opportunity to meet different people, people from different races, religions, origins, political tendency, economic class and so on. For this goal I contacted anyone whom I thought could have any links in the states and specially in Boston. One of my american friends whom I met in the elementary French course at Sorbonne university introduced me to an American-Korean engineer. After the first time that I asked him to hangout, he asked me if I minded going to church. I thought why not. Because generally my Iranian friends have connection with  liberals or progressives, it is easier for me to have links with this part of American society. However, I was curious about the traditions of Christianity,  the Bible, and the conservative people in the States. It had not ended for one time. I went to the church on Sundays regularly and listened to the sermons and hanged out with people from the church.  I even played as a member of the church soccer team in the city league.
I was observing their life style because I believe that the way in which people live everyday is more honest than their official political statements. For example, in the progressive groups, I noticed that they are almost all white while in the church, in the conservative community, the people were from different races. More meaningful than just sitting close together, I saw that many relationships and married couples were from different races. Is there any other indicator more eloquent than dating and marriage between different races that show how some people look at others without a race issue?


What am I doing here?

I’ve seen a stupid movie. I don’t know why, as I grow older, I become more emotional. That is not the role of game. I’ve had more experience but I’m looking for new adventure. Do you understand what I wanna to say? Neither do I. My fingers just slide on the keyboard and I’m following the words which come to my minds. I’ve just started a new try, to try again. I’m full of hope and emptiness. This uncertainty makes me excited. I need to have the ability to give security to people around me. I have so many good friends. still I’m alone. I like my crowded loneliness. I missed my father. I want to become a father, a good one: Three children. This is stupid and as you may think does not make sense. Don’t blame me just let me believe it. I don’t know what I am doing here. I’m nothing here. I’m full of proposals.This land got my all my assets and gave me the chances. I’ll make all again. These phrases are nonsense but it does n’t matter. Why should every text have a special sense? Make no sense! I have no solution.
I love my friends. I love my family. I love my exes. I love my love whom I’ve not fond yet. I wanna go to another city. I’m sure I’m gonna miss strasbourg. I do miss my friends here. My basket of missings has become too heavy. I can’t carry it. I like France. I miss Iran. How am I? What am I doing here? what do I wanna to do? My dreams? My beloved persons? Do you understand what I’m saying? neither do I!   


The basics points to understand Iran's politics (1)

If you are agree with whose think that we could have an objective narration or analyze about politics I recommend you to leave this post. I don't want to waste my time to argue about this issue. Instead, I am going to give you an explanation for different narration that you can notice while reading or see reports about Iran’s politics. One side is the Axis of Evil, other side is the most stable country in the Middle East, one side is a country which is accused of supporting terrorist groups, the other side is a country which performs the most effective military operation against the ISIS. One side is a country which commits to Human Rights violations, in the other side is the reports showing that 70 percent of university students in Iran are girls with astonishing social roles. One side is the Republic Islamic of iran based on islamic ideology, other side is the most secular society in middle east, one side is the most important enemy of America other side is the most pro american people in the Middle East. Which side is right? I’m not going to answer this question, maybe later on. But another question shows up: Is it possible to avoid this polarized narrations? My answer is No. why? The best way to understand the politics of every country is listen to people who come from and live there and know thier language and culture and so on. In the case of Iran and countries like even if you do this, you still don't have a convergent narration from people and this character is unavoidable. How is it possible? 

We have a deep historical gap between Iranian nation and the state of the iran one both called Iran. In the nation-state period this association is the framework. But this framework is not obvious all around the world. People don't understand their government as the most important institution of a state as their representative. By contrast the government may seem to be an enemy. The approach of the government toward to people might be like a source of support and danger. It acts like that the government and other governments (strangers) are in competition to use or manipulate this huge resource. This gap creates two sides far from each other. You are with government or against it. So, as this gap is so wide, no one can stay in middle or at least it is too difficult. It means you have to choose your side despite this fact that the real situation especially in respect of the international issue is not based on this polarized positions.

For example the it is obvious that the international sanctions against Iran damage Iran’s economic. As result of these sanctions, jobs reduce in the country and this make people poor which leads to an economic depression. Many citizens died in air crashes or due to the lake of medical materials. Even the Iranians who live outside of Iran are punished. For example Bank of America in US and PNP bank in France recently closed the iranian student's accounts. It means that the sanctions work like an act of violence against Iranian basic humans rights. Despite all these facts, you can find groups of Iranian Human Rights activists who are for the sanctions. How could it be possible? 

Another consequence of the sanctions is the these sanction do have a harmful effect on the lives of ordinary people in spite of fact they put pressure on the Iranian government. The government which is responsible for a number of systematic act of violence against humans rights. So, in the front of a huge gap between the nation and the state, those activist choose to be against the government. The deep gap that I’ve explained above, don’t let those humans rights activists do any things that can help state of Iran notwithstanding it may serve the interest of 70 million human beings. 

I’ve promised to respect tp the limit of have 500 words and actually I’ve already passed this limit so I should stop here. Yet I will write more about Iran’s politics and society, later.


How can we live longer?

When you are in isolated cell there is nothing to do and don’t exist any activity that you can engage to it. Since you get disconnected to the real world. There is just your mind. But the mind needs something from outside to work on, to process it and so on while noting happened in isolated cell. Our mind has to structure the time which means you are living. otherwise, you would die or, at least, your mind collapses. Because of this circumstance, an isolated cell put pressure on you as you are in danger of the death and this can works as a torture. 
Decorative Photo 
In the summer of 2009 I was in isolated cell for two months. On of the tactics I used to pervent my mind from collapsing was working on internal sources of information. For example I would reveiw my souvenirs to let my mind works. Or I imagined my self as a camera that flew and went through the space and time like in a movie. When I went over my memory I felt that I had forgotten so many of my memories which I persumed I would keep them in mind for ever. I lived for so many years but I had just moments in mind despite the fact that I thought I had all. But I had lost most of them. I found out that those were my valuable capital. Every moment is just a moment unless it is linked to other moments that already exist in your memory. Moments in connection make your life. You have lived to extend that you have memories. 
It is not neceserly aour biological age which designate our opportunity of living. We live as we have memorable moments. To have long life we should make the memorable moments and also try to keep them safe. If you forget some of your experiences it is as if you have never lived them. If you lose your memory completely it is as if your are another person who uses the buddy of someone else who has just died. It is not so bad if you want to get rid of some of your bad experiences so you can remove them by forgetting. Do you want to live longer? Review some of your memorable events in your mind. What did they have in common? How can you repead such memorable events? 


I am a Kindle addicted!

I like to read books on the e-reader. I prefer e-books to paper books for serval reason. First, for me finding the e-version of the book under copy-left law is easier. Also on average this platform, either buying or downloading for free, is more economical.
Second, there are ecological reasons. Tree have to cut down to make paper books, and new technology makes this unnecessary. I prefer not to cut down trees.
third, I like the new platforms. My reader friends always say that they like to touch book’s cover and smell scent of the pages. I can also imagine that some people saying they preferred handwriting when Gothenburg invented the print press. But I don’t feel that way.

The main reason that I like the e-reader might seem a little bizarre: People read books for many reason; to learn, to feel amazing of beauty of language, to develop their experience, to think, and so on. I have an additional motivation. I am a little hyper-active. When is was child my parents signed me up for two sessions in a sport club every day. Later on, I found out that was my parent’s way of getting out my energy. I have changed since then. Now I don't need to exercise to much but I still need to make my mind tired. I feel bored if I’m not under pressure of a serious project. When I’m  seating on the train, when I’m waiting for any thing, even when I go to bed to sleep, I get bored. Reading is a way to avoiding this unpleasant feeling. So I need my library all the time and anywhere: bed before sleeping, in bed after waking, when I’m on the train when I’m waiting in an office or even during breaks form my studies. With my e-reader my library is on my pocket anytime and anywhere. I am a Kindle addicted. Am I not?   


Why we are numb?

When people became angry in reaction to the ISIS I become happy because it is so horrible to see the people who don't react to the systematic act of killing others by a state. Sometimes I get  really upset since I can’t understand what is the difference between Israel which kills innocent kids with missile and the ISIS that kills the innocents with Kalachnikov. Is our reaction different just because murdering people with missiles is more normal than Kalachinkov?
Heads of ISIS and ISraeL

One of the most horrible and shameful actions of the ISIS is beheading journalists just before cameras. We feel proud when people express their outrage at it but we are calm when IDF kills journalists by snipers. Why? The matter is that we are more OK with snipers than dirk?
I’m shocked when the ISIS asks people to leave Iraq or to convert to their official religion. It is promising that people are surprised. At the same time Israel officials declare that the state of Israel belongs to one religion and others supposed to leave Israel. Why are not we surprised? 

ISIS invites some people from all around the world and deport some of the inhabitants due to their religion. Is this shameful policy different from what Israel is based on? The issue is that the head of the ISIS has beard while the head of Israel does not? Am I blind that I can't see our sensations or we are numb?