I used to work in an office of a friend which was offered to me for a start up project. His Office is just behind La Sorbonne university at Paris. Every time that I am passing by La Sorbonne I see something weird. Something which should not be there. I just ignore what I see and keep going. And What were this weird things?
Leader of MEK as a terrorist organization |
Imagine a terrorist group carry out a bombing operation in an Official meeting and kill the
President, the Prime minister, some other ministers and some legislator. They continue to organize their terroristic actions in the country and assassinate thousands of ordinary people, randomly or by their appearance, in the street. After all this
history, imagine that another country hosts them while internationally they are recognised as a terroristic group. Can you imagine?
The Mujahedin-e Khalq (
MEK), or People's
Mojahedin Organization of Iran, is an Iranian dissident group that has been formally designated for the last 15 years by the
US State Department as a "foreign terrorist organization". When the Bush administration sought to justify its attack on Iraq in 2003 by accusing Saddam Hussein of being a sponsor of "international terrorism", one of its prime examples was Iraq's "sheltering" of the
MEK. Its inclusion on the terrorist list has meant that it is a felony to provide any "material support" to that group.
Mujahedin-e Khalq were hosted in France after numerous terrorist assassinations in the streets of Tehran ( Capital City of Iran) Including attacks on officials such as the president and prime minister of Iran. They were organising these operations and continued to plan even more, while they were in France. To rally understand how this is for us Iranians, let’s imagine another country, let s say Russia, just as hypothetical example, hosts the ISIS militia and the continue their operations. (May seeing Al-Qaeda stands in some country works for Americans friends imaginations as well.)
Are you curious about this surprising true
fact? You can find their stand usually at place de La Sorbonne. It is
unbelievable. Isnt it? I say unbelievable with this assumption that you don't divide terrorists by
good and bad terrorist. Do you?
The group has targeted Iranian government officials and government facilities in Iran and abroad; during the 1970s, it attacked Americans in Iran. MEK’s past acts of terrorism included its involvement in the killing of U.S. citizens in Iran in the 1970s and an attack on U.S. soil in 1992. While the group says it does not intentionally target civilians, it has often risked civilian casualties. It routinely aims its attacks at government buildings in crowded cities. MEK terrorism has declined since late 2001. Incidents linked to the group include:
The series of mortar attacks and hit-and-run raids during 2000 and 2001 against Iranian government buildings; one of these killed Iran's chief of staff
The 2000 mortar attack on President Mohammad Khatami's palace in Tehran
The February 2000 "Operation Great Bahman," during which MEK launched 12 attacks against Iran
The 1999 assassination of the deputy chief of Iran's armed forces general staff, Ali Sayyad Shirazi
The 1998 assassination of the director of Iran's prison system, Asadollah Lajevardi
The 1992 near-simultaneous attacks on Iranian embassies and institutions in 13 countries Assistance to Saddam Hussein's suppression of the 1991 Iraqi Shiite and Kurdish uprisings
The 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party and of Premier Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, which killed some 70 high-ranking Iranian officials, including President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei and Bahonar Support for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Iranian revolutionaries
The 1970s killings of U.S. military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran
In the early 1970s, angered by U.S. support for the pro-Western shah, MEK members killed several U.S. soldiers and civilians working on defense projects in Iran. Some experts say the attack may have been the work of a Maoist splinter faction operating beyond the Rajavi leadership's control. MEK members also supported the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, in which 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days.