
The Daesh - Who pays?

Stalin,Roosevelt and Churchill, 1943, Tehran, Iran 
A friend of mine has asked me about Iran’s position against the Daesh. “Iran actually is the only country who is in the ground combatting against the Daesh. The US don’t want ro send troops, Europ can not, Turkish priority is the Kurdish forces. Even the Iraqi army don’t have the courage to fight against Daesh.” I said. He asked me if we, Iranians, are going to be allied with Russia against the US. “It is not against the US. Recently we have had serious negotiations with the US and achieved an agreement between us which is going ri reduce the level of our long-lasting conflict.” 

He asked: So who do you prefer? We are going to follow our interests. Iran is at the same time developing his with west economically, and making an alliance with Russia geo-politically. After the 1979 revolution in Iran, our position was that we do not belong to any cold war bloc. “neither west, nor east” was a slogan. Maybe because of this, in the period of Iran-Iraq war both Russia and the US supported Saddam. Even France sold chemical weapons to Saddam which were used against the cities. I argued and added despite all this history we are resolving our conflict and are going to improve our relations. Making the nuclear deal with the US, welcoming Europeans investors to the Iran market, and form an alliance against a disaster like Daesh with Russia, which is no one else actually conforts with any real effort.

During this whole conversations, I was thinking about our history with Russia and US. I was reviewing in my head about all iranian soil which was separated from Iran after Russian invasions or the US coup against our first democratic government. I just feel proud that my country 35 years after the 1979 revolution and with all the dissatisfactions that we have had after, at least we have achieved our independence. It was so expensive however we have paid and we act independently now.


A Good Terrorist Group?

I used to work in an office of a friend which was offered to me for a start up project. His Office is just behind La Sorbonne university at Paris. Every time that I am passing by La Sorbonne I see something weird. Something which should not be there. I just ignore what I see and keep going. And What were this weird things?
Leader of MEK as a terrorist organization

Imagine a terrorist group carry out a bombing operation in an Official meeting and kill the President, the Prime minister, some other ministers and some legislator. They continue to organize their terroristic actions in the country and assassinate thousands of ordinary people, randomly or by their appearance, in the street. After all this history, imagine that another country hosts them while internationally they are recognised as a terroristic group. Can you imagine?

The Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), or People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, is an Iranian dissident group that has been formally designated for the last 15 years by the US State Department as a "foreign terrorist organization". When the Bush administration sought to justify its attack on Iraq in 2003 by accusing Saddam Hussein of being a sponsor of "international terrorism", one of its prime examples was Iraq's "sheltering" of the MEK. Its inclusion on the terrorist list has meant that it is a felony to provide any "material support" to that group.

The Mujahedin-e Khalq were hosted in France after numerous terrorist assassinations in the streets of Tehran ( Capital City of Iran) Including attacks on officials such as the president and prime minister of Iran. They were organising these operations and continued to plan even more, while they were in France. To rally understand how this is for us Iranians, let’s imagine another country, let s say Russia, just as hypothetical example, hosts the ISIS militia and the continue their operations. (May seeing Al-Qaeda stands in some country works for Americans friends imaginations as well.)

Are you curious about this surprising true fact? You can find their stand usually at place de La Sorbonne. It is unbelievable. Isnt it? I say unbelievable with this assumption that you don't divide terrorists by good and bad terrorist. Do you?

PS: MEK activities:

The group has targeted Iranian government officials and government facilities in Iran and abroad; during the 1970s, it attacked Americans in Iran. MEK’s past acts of terrorism included its involvement in the killing of U.S. citizens in Iran in the 1970s and an attack on U.S. soil in 1992. While the group says it does not intentionally target civilians, it has often risked civilian casualties. It routinely aims its attacks at government buildings in crowded cities. MEK terrorism has declined since late 2001. Incidents linked to the group include: 
The series of mortar attacks and hit-and-run raids during 2000 and 2001 against Iranian government buildings; one of these killed Iran's chief of staff 
The 2000 mortar attack on President Mohammad Khatami's palace in Tehran 
The February 2000 "Operation Great Bahman," during which MEK launched 12 attacks against Iran 
The 1999 assassination of the deputy chief of Iran's armed forces general staff, Ali Sayyad Shirazi 
The 1998 assassination of the director of Iran's prison system, Asadollah Lajevardi 
The 1992 near-simultaneous attacks on Iranian embassies and institutions in 13 countries Assistance to Saddam Hussein's suppression of the 1991 Iraqi Shiite and Kurdish uprisings 
The 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party and of Premier Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, which killed some 70 high-ranking Iranian officials, including President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei and Bahonar Support for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Iranian revolutionaries 
The 1970s killings of U.S. military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran 

In the early 1970s, angered by U.S. support for the pro-Western shah, MEK members killed several U.S. soldiers and civilians working on defense projects in Iran. Some experts say the attack may have been the work of a Maoist splinter faction operating beyond the Rajavi leadership's control. MEK members also supported the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, in which 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days.


J’aime bien avoir une barbe

J’aime bien avoir une barbe. Une barbe longue. Par contre dans ma jeunesse, j’avais l’impression que ce n’était pas un choix personnel ou un style individuel. En Iran, une longue barbe, de maniére générale, peut être intrepretée de deux façons:1- Tu es un Basij: une membre d’une milice pro régime. 2- Tu es quelqu’un d’hypocrite qui veut montrer qui il est proche du système et qui profite de ses avantages.

Je me souviens une fois en Iran d’être entré dans un espace où des genscritiquaient le système politique et sont soudainement devenus silencieux. J’étais donc obligé de dire quelques mots pour montrer que ma barbe ne signifiait pas que je faisais partie des “autres”.
une autre solution est d’utiliser des codes vestimentaires differents des conservateurs pour faire un équilibre. Par exemple, tu peux porter un jean et dire “voila, t’inquiete pas je suis pas un barbu comme tu imagines.”

Comme vous pourrez le confirmer cette probléematique des gens barbus est aussi valable en France. En France si tu portes une longue barbe il y a deux interprétations: Soit tu es un salafiste extrémiste, soit tu es un hipster très cool et sympa. Deux intérprertations très divergentes, n’est-ce pas?oui! mais la question importante est la suivante: comment distingue-t-on un hipster d’un salafiste? C’est la race qui détermine. Si tu es blond avec une longue barbe, ça signifie que tu es un hipster mais si tu arabe, ça signifie que tu es salafiste.
ça fait quelque semaines que j’ai décidé de faire repousser ma barbe mais depuis trois jours mes amis iraniens me conseillent de la raser. Ils disent qu’il peut y avoir des répercussions. J’ai dit ça n’a rien à voir. Ils ont répondu “peu importe, tu ressembles à quelqu'un du Moyen-Orient, et en plus avec une grande barbe, ça suffit pour que quelqu’un t’attaque”. Dans tous les cas, je garde ma barbe et je n’ai reçu aucun signe négatif mais aujourd’hui je tiens à rapeller qu’il y a des gens qui sont doublement traumatisés. Des gens qui à la fois risquent d’être victimes d’un attentat terroriste sur la terrasse d’un café et à la fois d’être victimes de certaines réactions suite à ces évènements Mais qu’ont-ils en commun avec les terroristes? Leur position politique? Non! Leur religion? Non! mais quoi alors? Leurs races et leurs apparences. N’est-ce pas?


Des mots qui n’existent pas dans le dictionnaires

J’ai besoin de plus de mots en francais pour bien communiquer. Mais enrichir son vocabulaire n'est pas simple que ca a l’air. Je ne veux pas dire des mots que l’on peut trouver dans le dictionnaire. En revanche les mots plus importantes sont ceux qui ne sont pas dans le dictionnaire. Par exemple des mot que que l’on ne peut pas trouver que dans le codes sociaux. Des signes qui fonctionnent comme des mots parfois méme plus utiles, mais qui n’existent pas dans le dictionnaires. Le langage corporel par exemple. Les signes corporels ne sont pas des signes completement universel. Par exemple serre la main n’a pas la même significations dans toutes les langues. Il y a des langues où serre la main est une geste trés châleureuse toutefois dans d’autres cultures C’est une salutation trés formelle qui marque de la distance.


“Qu’est ce que tu penses?”

Une des avantage de vivre ailleurs est que tu est à la fois trés indépendant et trés autonome. C’est toi même qui doit tout gérer. Tu deviens plus libre. Tu peux faire tout ce que ton cercle sociale- t’empêchait de faire à cause du contrôle social. tu peux essayer n’importe quoi. Mais cet avantage cache aussi un désavantage, tu es, toi même, tout seul face à toutes tes responsabilités.
Alors qu’avant, j’appréciais avoir une grande marge de manoeuvre, aujourd’hui je ressens le besoin d’avoir des gens de confiance, je ressens le besoin d’être entouré de personnes de confiance qui me disent “Non, Hamze ne fais pas ça” ou des personnes à qui demander “Qu’est ce que tu penses?”.


Plan A!

Well I should restart to write in English. It is a long time that I have stopped writing in English albeit I still read in English. Why does writing in english is matter? I will explain later on.
I have planned everything for a new career. It is not just planning. I have actually started. last week when I was seeing the legal announcement of the establishment of the firm with which I have relationship, It gave me a special feeling. It was not just a small formal action that no one cares about. It was an important matter to me. certain about my direction which left me feeling ambiguous and depressed. However, now with clear project and big ambitions I feel happy.
I have started new career. I have strategically changed my direction. I am starting to look at something else and Capture different information. And now I know my new path well; I now where I am and what will be next step. While plan A is the default path,in worst case, I know what I should follow as plan B. I know what is the next step and which project I should finalise at given deadline. I am in ahead in some points but I’m behind in some other aspects but however I know the critical issues, How much energy to invest in projects and what results I should expect.Less than two years ago I didn't feel



My name is Hamze Ghalebi.
I was an adviser to the former prime minister of Iran and the head of his youth presidential campaign as reformist candidate. I was arrested in 2009.
As a political prisoner, I was a victim of human rights violations. I was also a victim of the economic sanctions that the U.S. Government has imposed on my country.
The US and Iran have a long history of distrust and our relationship has been one based on retaliation. This has been going on for half a century, and it has to stop.
As a pro-democracy activist and a young entrepreneur, I support the Iran deal. This is a unique opportunity for us to work together for peace - we may not get another one.


Lyon industry exposition

Maybe you have heard about the recent negotiations between Iran and USA. Iran would be ready to sell their “nuclear industry” in return for “lifting the sanctions”. This is the deal, the exchange of “nuclear industry” for “lifting sanctions”. Otherwise, from Iranian side failing the negotiations and any deal without a real lifting of sanctions is the same thing. Obviously this deal is not just about the nuclear industry and US sanctions. It could change the political strategic alliance and political relations in Middle East; And between the Middle East and West. Iran and the US in a normal relationship would have different positions in world political spectrum but the immediate consequence of deal for Iran will be restart business relations which have been broken because of sanctions. 

One of the reason that I have come to Lyon industry exposition is to do an evaluation of French company’s vision after the recent understanding between the Iran and the US. Surprisely, a large majority of CEOs who were precent there were following the negotiations news regarding to Iran-US deal. Often when I  state that I could help them to discover Iran’s market, they appreciate my offer and welcome effort. Some of them have done business with Iran and blame the Americans for ruining their previous business. 

Already the big companies are preparing to enter the Iranian market and even American ones have sent their teams to Iran, unofficially of course. On the other hand, small companies don’t  have strong enough structure and technologies to permit them to go ahead in Iranian market. I would say that local Iranian companies are not motivated to work with small European companies. So the best strategy will be to focus on mid-size firms. However, my investor does not agree with this strategy and said to me “go for the big ones”.

* Italian and Spanish company had a strong presence.
* The majority of providers were white men between the age 50 to 60.
* The Ambiance was masculine; attendance by women was in the minority. The presence of women was mostly at reception.
* Lyon is  lively, friendly, young, beautiful and industrial city. I like it. 


Mission statement for 2015

Title: Connections year

                As an extraverted person, I am one who has many friends and always spending time with them. I make friends easily and I have good intuition when I meet new people. It means I am never be tired of communicating with many people. If for doing a project we need to manage many relations and arrange matters between many agents, this allow me to have a fresh approach. Meeting new people does not worry me; on the contrary, I feel excited to know someone new.
Living in another continent, in another country, one with different culture, traditions, and more important with a different language challenges the process of developing connections. Of course, I have tried to go through critical situations but often subconsciously. I have tried to be open to the new cultures. I have learned new languages and have made new friends but subconsciously will and spontaneity are not efficient enough. Especially, last summer when I decided to change my personal project from being involved directly in the politics of my country to become aggressive for its economic development and growth of business, these limits have become visible to me.

Mission statement:
                The first step in creating a new career for myself is to solve this problem described. This year, I am focusing in developing my connections according to the condition where I live and an actual project that I have. It means I will change my attention from political and intellectual pursuits to commercial and business communications. I will try to create new links based on entrepreneurship. I will spend more time with international friends. Instead of using my energy on mu native language, I will spend more time to mastering new languages which I will need in new countries and for the actual project.  I will try to develop my communications and negotiation skills in these languages. I will try to create social capital in this new social network. […]

Evaluation criteria:
                If at beginning of year 2016, the main barriers of communications and social interactions in a new country are resolved, I will consider the year to be successful. I should fix my main problems in English and French. (I should get TOEFEL, GMAT and DALF certificate in this year). In this year, I should also establish a minimum business partnership that give me the possibility of doing dynamic commercial projects between Europe’s and Iran’s markets. ([…] sustainable partners/projects). I should create a community of international friends that I do not feel like a stranger in new homeland. […]. I should reach an […]  euros income from my business relations and commercial projects.